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My membership to the FB group has been pending for weeks. Is there anyway to go back and watch the lessons?
I want to devote at least 15 hours/week to developing my photography and my visual literacy.
<strong>SN - reached out to Ania to approve</strong> I requested to join the gold Facebook page over a week ago, still waiting.
My plan is to take my 20 photos before work. I'm the concierge of a popular boutique hotel in downtown Nashville and I'm going to try to shoot from the top of the garage, where I park. We shall see. Good lesson - makes sense. I'm new to all this.
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I'm not on Facebook so where might I upload my photos? Will they be critiqued?
I am just reading this lesson. It is March 3rd. Where I live the weekend will have beautiful weather, I will get those pictures taken for sure.
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