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Couldn't make out the manufacturer of the travel bag (gray one talked about second). Would appreciate it if you could let me know. Thank you.
Who is the maker of the shoulder bag in your video?
F-stop is the most pathetic excuse for a commercial enterprise to ever grace the face of the Earth. My advice to anyone considering their products is to google around and see what the customer experience is like. Then there is this http://resourcemagonline.com/2016/08/an-inside-look-at-f-stop-a-bag-company-falling-apart-at-the-seams/68877/ I love their gear but their prices and policies are pretty unreasonable. They will charge you on order, tell you the gear will ship in 4-6 weeks and when you ask them after 10 weeks "what happened" they will tell you that there is no estimated ship date. I have recently switched to the Targhee line of packs from Gregory. These are intended for winter skiing but they work beautifully with ICUs and carry the weight better.
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