Thank you to all those who shared their shots from week two of the Outdoor Photography Guide Photo Challenge! It’s now time for our third photo assignment. If you haven’t officially signed up to receive the weekly photo assignments via email, be sure to do so here.
Week 3: Midday
When you shoot the edges of the day, meaning during sunrise and sunset hours, you have the ability to shoot beautiful, soft light that usually yields some pretty impressive photos. But, what about mid-day hours? You can still shoot during the middle of the day too. For example, cloudy skies allow you to shoot water features all day long. Clear blue skies can pair really well with wildflowers in bloom. Outdoor adventures can take place under the brightest of skies. So, in this photo challenge, give yourself permission to sleep in and eat dinner at a normal hour. Only shoot during the middle of the day.
Don’t forget to share your photos of this week’s assignment in the Outdoor Photography Guide Photo Challenge Facebook group! This is also a great place to connect with fellow photographers and share tips during the challenge.
Inspiration Gallery by David Johnston
Here’s what’s coming up next:
Week 1: Simple SubjectsWeek 2: Patterns
Week 3: Midday
Week 4: Capturing Motion
Week 5: Natural Designs
Week 6: Distance Compression
Week 7: Telling Stories With Photos
Week 8 (BONUS): Drone Photography
Hi, I've been working on this course, but I haven't been able to post the photos I've taken on your Facebook page as I ve had some issues with my computer. Is posting pics just for the purpose of having them critiqued?
All the photos were inspirational to see.