Wetland Photography: Tips and Techniques
Doug GardnerDescription
For wetland photography on overcast days, using a fill flash works well to enhance colors and fill dark shadows. When you use a telephoto lens for close-ups of flowers, it helps to blur the background. However, you still want to shoot at f-8 or f-11 to make sure the main subject is entirely in focus.
Wetland photography sometimes means getting wet. Doug dons a pair of waders and sets his tripod in the water. This technique broadens his range of photo opportunities. He spots penthonetary warbler birds eating mosquitoes on a cypress tree. With his camera on a tripod, he keeps the ball head loose in order to pan his telephoto lens to capture close-ups of these colorful birds as they dart around. He waits for the bird to pause and eat a bug for that key moment when he clicks the shutter. You will learn that when focusing on a moving subject in the thick cover of twigs and leaves, you should switch your lens to manual focus to make sure your subject is sharp. Join pro shooter Doug Gardner for tips on wetland photography in the backwaters of Lake Marion.
See all videos in our Capturing South Carolina’s Lake Marion Course:
- Capturing South Carolina’s Lake Marion—Course Preview
- Photographing Osprey
- Wetland Photography: Tips and Techniques
- Capturing the Southern Cypress Swamp