Ian Plant Landscape Photography Set
Bundle: Ian Plant Landscape Photography Set
Author: Ian Plant
This ebook/video set is designed enhance your overall understanding of landscape photography. You’ll get two of Ian Plant’s fantastic eBooks with extensive instruction on several of the most critical aspects of landscape imagery, PLUS you’ll get a Video Download expanding upon the use of your ultra-wide angle lens’ in the field.
eBook: The Grand Landscape
Landscape photography is one of the most popular types of photography today, but it presents many unique challenges. Pro photographer Ian Plant has been photographing the landscape for twenty years, and few know the art of landscape photography as well as he does.
In this eBook, he shows you proven field techniques for making compelling and dramatic landscape images. You’ll learn the fundamentals of exposure, working with natural light, depth of field, scene selection, and composition, as well as techniques and considerations specific to many different types of landscape scenes. Ian also discusses in great detail the necessary equipment that will allow you to get the most out of your landscape photos. The critical lessons contained in “The Grand Landscape” will have you making great landscape photos in no time, allowing your work to stand out from the rest.
145 page Digital PDF eBook Download
Ultra-Wide Landscape Photography eBook + Video Download
Ultra-wide lenses and landscape photography are made for each other. Some people might find this counter intuitive – after all, ultra-wide angles of view can make stunning landscape features, like huge mountains, look very small — but if you learn to use your ultra-wide the correct way, you’ll be able to create some truly unorthodox perspectives.
This remarkable eBook and video bundle by Ian Plant aims to do just that: To teach you exactly how to use your ultra-wide lens to create compelling and unique landscape photos.
You’ll learn both technical and artistic considerations unique to ultra-wide angle photography, including composition, dealing with the distortion inherent to wide-angle lens designs, and techniques for ensuring sharp near/far focus every time.
Ever wonder how a great photographer captures those magnificent, wide-angle landscape images? Travel to Badlands National Park, Lake Superior and Patagonia with Ian Plant to discover his secrets: His 70-page PDF ebook is supplemented by 33 minutes of video showing important ultra-wide techniques in the field, and demonstrating digital darkroom techniques. It’s almost like being on a photo workshop with Ian, for a fraction of the price.
You’ll be out taking amazing ultra-wide landscape photos in no time!
eBook – Ultra-Wide Landscape: The Complete Guide to Compelling Wide-Angle Landscape Photography
70 page Digital PDF eBook Download
Video Download – Ultra-Wide Landscape Photography Video Course
33 minutes.
Watch a preview of this Video Download below:
About the Author: Ian Plant is the Managing Editor of Outdoor Photography Guide. In addition, Ian is a Tamron Image Master, a contributor to several leading publications, and he leads photo tours all over the world. He has also authored numerous educational photography eBooks, which you can find in the Outdoor Photography Guide Shop.