How to Use Lightroom Lens Correction
David JohnstonDescription
In using a wide angle lens for your landscape images, it sometimes distorts the edges, which tend to stretch the foreground. With lens correction, you will learn to solve this problem. David walks you through two different ways to make these corrections through lens correction, Profile and Manual. He works on his sunset image of a Tennessee wheat field. Selecting the Lightroom lens correction tool, he first clicks on Remove Chromatic Aberration, which eliminates the detracted light rays and sharpens the edges.
The second step involves the tool Enable Profile Corrections. This will identify your lens and remove the vignette, brighten the foreground, and correct the wide angle distortion. This process comprises the Profile method in lens correction.
But what if you do not want all the automatic corrections in the Profile method? You will then learn how to use the Manual method in Lightroom lens correction. In this case, you still want to remove the chromatic aberration but then select the Manual icon. David likes to work with the distortion tool slider, which can stretch the background or narrow the image into a fish eye effect.
Then, using the vignetting tool, he darkens the corners to call attention to the central part of the image. The third part of the Manual method in Lightroom lens correction is the transform tool. Using the vertical, horizontal, rotate and other sliders, you can make amazing improvements to your photograph. Whether using the Profile or Manual method, Lightroom lens correction allows you to give more range to your image.
Join Outdoor Photography Guide’s professional photographer David Johnston ways to enhance your wide angle photographs with lens correction.